Friday, 15 July 2011

Scandals and Management Culture

It Could Never Happen Here
We all shake our heads and say how shocking the revelations are from the News International scandal. As managers and workers we would never do such things - there are limits after all. Really? So we always stand up to our bosses when they ask us to do things that are not quite the ticket, not quite by the rules. Never used the “cheque’s in the post” line?

But that’s not the same (I can hear the cries). Indeed so, but it is how it starts. News International are not the first - Enron springs to mind (as do other corporate horror stories over the years). The issue is not how it starts - we’ve all told white lies and not been completely honest with co-workers, customers, bosses, partners, children.

Out Beyond Right and Wrong Is a Field...I’ll Meet You There (Rumi)
The issue for managers is what sort of culture do you foster? The poor behaviour is condoned, not just in the way people go about their work, but in how they act with each other. If the culture is all about getting the desired end result - however it is obtained - then laws, and people will be broken along the way. As managers it is up to us to keep the focus on the real objective.

If the question “will you meet the target?” only has one answer, how can you have an honest conversation with your staff or your boss? Any failure will be seen as weakness. If failure is a weakness, then the next victim is honesty because no-one wants to be seen as a failure. It is difficult enough (in my experience) to get staff to tell you the truth, rather than what they think you want to hear, without closing down the avenues for open debate.

If failure is frowned upon, then as a boss can you admit you are ever wrong? If you can’t admit that, then neither will your staff. Not a great starting point for solving difficult problems in the organisation, more an incentive to point fingers and bitch about colleagues and other departments.

Better off trying to get beyond right and wrong to somewhere people can work together on what really matters to the organisation.

Start walking towards that field....I’ll meet you there.

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