Thursday, 5 July 2012

Get A Grip

Lying bankers, politicians prostrating themselves before media companies, a double dip recession and the Bank of England shoving money into amoral banks as fast as it can print the stuff.  
What are the two most senior economic politicians in the country doing?  Indulging in a puerile slanging match about who said what to whom back in 2008.  Have they learnt nothing from the expenses scandal?  We don’t care who did what to whom, because almost NONE of them saw the financial crisis coming, and the rest were too busy sucking up to banks and big business in general, or switching their second home allowance to care.  So they are all culpable for the economic and ethical mess we find ourselves in.  None of our political leaders have shown the clear or rational thoughts and ideas necessary to start to rebuild the economy, let alone the ethical foundation of our political establishment.
We do need a forensic review of what happened to our banking industry, but that is a big question to answer.  A parliamentary inquiry will achieve very little if our Chancellor and his Shadow can’t even say “Good morning” to each other without throwing accusations across the corridor at the same time.
Our politicians are showing small minded, petty, dogmatic thinking at a time when objective, forensic and rational thought is required.
Trouble is the only person in the country who seems capable of doing that is currently busy making our politicians and media people look even shiftier than usual.
May I add to the clamour “Robert Jay for PM?”

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